Indulge in the timeless elegance of our Pink Roses in Box. Delicately arranged and exuding grace, these roses are the epitome of charm and sophistication. Perfect for any occasion, whether it's to express love, appreciation, or celebration, these roses convey your sentiments with unparalleled beauty.
Please note: An additional 60-90 minutes may be needed to ensure a freshly baked cake
Your Gift Contains:
• Moist chocolate sponge with the rich flavor
• Flavours: Chocolate, Vanilla, Red Velvet, Brownie
• Cake Portion Option: 2 - 4 and 8 - 10 Serving
• Box Size: 20.5x20.5x22cm
Handling and Storage
• Keep away from direct heat and sunlight
• Best stored between 12-18 °C
• Not suitable for vegetarians
• Not suitable for those allergic to seeds, nuts, dairy, Soya
Size and Number of Stems:
Le Medium Size: 23 - 25 Stems
Le Grand Size: 35 - 40 Stems with 1Kg Cake (Featured)
Le Maxi Size: 55 - 60 Stems
Le Luxi Size: 80 - 85 Stems
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