The Graceful Power Assortment showcases an exquisite blend of flowers, including Pink Roses, Hydrangeas in pink and white, Skimmia in vibrant green, Matthiola in light pink, and fragrant Eucalyptus. This combination exudes grace, elegance, and feminine power.
Included Items:
Enhancing the ensemble are 12 pieces of Godiva Chocolate Truffles, offering a decadent indulgence to delight the senses. Additionally, the inclusion of Light of Sakina Strong Women Candle (200ml) adds an empowering fragrance, symbolizing the strength and resilience of women.
Size: Le Grand
Presented in the grand "Le Grand" size, the Graceful Power Assortment features 10 to 15 stems of carefully selected flowers. This size ensures a lavish and impactful arrangement, perfect for celebrating the remarkable women in your life or expressing admiration and appreciation for their strength and grace.
Celebrate the essence of femininity and empowerment with the Graceful Power Assortment. Whether for a special occasion or a gesture of appreciation, this ensemble is a fitting tribute to the strength, beauty, and resilience of women.