300/301 Roses Bouquet

A breathtaking bouquet of 300/301 exquisite red roses, the ultimate symbol of love and grandeur.
Wrapped in our signature BLACK AND BLANC style, this extraordinary arrangement overflows with velvety red roses, creating an unforgettable statement. Perfect for monumental celebrations, grand romantic gestures, or the most luxurious expressions of admiration and devotion.
Standard Size
Our Promise
- Express delivery in Dubai
- Same-day delivery across the UAE
- Complimentary delivery
- Complimentary message card
- Earn points on every purchase
- Luxurious packaging
- Guaranteed freshness
Our Commitment to Excellence
- Flowers sourced from best farms in Netherland and Ecuador for unparalleled freshness and longevity
- Seasonal variations may occur, adding a unique touch to each creation
Exceptional Service
- Photos of your arrangement can be provided before delivery upon request
- Available from 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM for inquiries via WhatsApp, phone, or email
- Flower colors and sizes may vary naturally, adding unique charm to each bloom
- If a flower is unavailable, it will be replaced with one of similar shape and color, ensuring equal or higher value